CockpitWeb -

- Purchases only from Europe and by bank transfer
- All prices include VAT.
There are no additional costs! There are no shipping costs.
- Delivery by email within 48 hours.
- No expiry date! Practise endlessly!
- No subscription required!
- A bundle of 2 software products costs less than 30 min of flight!!!
- No internet connection required (except for download & installation).
- WIndows® required! Not compatible with Apple® OS. Please note that due to nature of the items, i.e. software, a refund is not possible.
- The CockpitWeb software is a professional software designed for pilots.
- Created by airline pilots / flight instructors. The founder and owner of CockpitWeb is a Check Captain on Boeing 787 and is FI, MCCI and TKI.

If you buy a bundle of 2 or more programs you will even get more discount! All prices are subject to change at any time!

*** Send us an email to purchase a program: i n f o @ c o c k p i t w e b . c o m. Purchases only from Europe and by bank transfer. ***

Single programs:

Sim v6.1


Normal price £49


Get your FREE DOWNLOAD here!

Click here if you only want to download the Airline Pilot Manual. (The manual is included in the Sim).

The CockpitWeb Sim was first released in 2003. It is a unique combination of:
- Airline Pilot Manual
- Interactive Exercises
- Simulator

Here is an overview of what is included!

CockpitWeb Sim overview

IFR Training

* NEW * Airbus/Boeing 'Jetliner' Training

Airline Pilot Manual

IFR Manual

Jetliner Manual

Interactive Computer Exercises

70 different IFR exercises

40 different JETLINER exercises

Simulator: Airplane

SEP: Piper PA-28 'classic'
+ Piper PA-28 EFIS

Boeing 737 jetliner
... and other Airbus + Boeing jetliners

Learn and practice

VOR and NDB interceptions
DME arcs
Non-precision approaches

Normal procedures: takeoff, flap use, climb, SIDs, cruise, descent, holdings, approaches, go-arounds.

Emergency and special jetliner maneuvers: engine failure & fire training, engine out procedures, RTO, emergency evacuation, EFATO, GPWS training, windshear training, TCAS training, UPRT, cabin depressurisation & emergency descent training, airspeed unreliable training, unstable approach avoidance, ...

"Impressive! An ideal tool for serious students of fixed-wing instrument flying." PC Pilot Magazine, U.K.

"An amazing product. The advantages of this product, created by and for pilots, are indisputable. A very complete package." Microsimulateur, France


Software v2.7
(Pilot Aptitude Test)

40% off!

Now only

(instead of £49)

CockpitWeb is the world leader in aptitude tests, creating aptitude tests since 2005! 1000s of pilots have used CockpitWeb to pass airline assessments!

The Aptitude Software improves your psychomotor, eye-hand coordination and multitasking skills and trains your memory.

21 different Aptitude Tests included.

Millions of different randomly generated exercises are included!


"This program is a great masterpiece." S.M. - "Excellent Software" A.G.


Software v1.3

50% off!

Now only

(instead of £39)

The Numerapt Software is designed to improve your Numerical Reasoning, Psychometric, Memory and Mathematics skills. It was released in 2006 and has helped 1000s of people prepare for a job assessment as pilot, police officer, fire(wo)men, etc...

41 different tests. Millions of different randomly generated exercises are included!

Includes 'Back-to-School'-ebook.

"Excellent product. You can practise endlessly." C.D., Germany - "I failed a math test last year. I won't let it happen again." A.V., U.S.A. - "I believe that your Numerapt software is absolutely brilliant, as it was perfect help for practising my numerical abilities prior to my selection." R.D., U.K.




Powerful Bundles: Buy a bundle of 2 or more programs and benefit from huge discounts!

*** Send us an email to purchase a program: i n f o @ c o c k p i t w e b . c o m. Purchases only from Europe and by bank transfer. ***

2 programs: +

Clusivity + Clusivity

55% off!

Now only

(instead of £88)


Did you know that a bundle of 2 software products costs less than 30 min of flight!!

Buy the bundle of Aptitude Software and Numerapt Software.

Practice endlessly!

Minimum System Requirements

Any CockpitWeb program requires: Microsoft Windows® 8 or higher, 32 MB RAM and 50 MB free Harddisk space. The programs are not compatible with the Apple® Operating System. You can however run the programs on Apple® computers with a Windows® OS partition.
-> The Aptitude Software requires a Windows Media Player installed on the computer. 3 tests require an optional joystick.
-> The Sim requires a minimum 1024 x 768 screen resolution. To check your screen resolution, minimise all Apps, right click on the 'desktop', choose 'screen settings'.

"I am very happy to use your software and I recommend it as it is easy to use, not expensive and it does not need a powerful PC." D. M.

"Excellent software." F. A.


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